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Nhà Thờ Các Thánh Tử Đạo Việt Nam ở Sacramento, California

Kể từ ngày 16-11-2005

Virgin Mary Crying Blood ?
(CBS) SACRAMENTO, Calif., Nov. 29, 2005. Outside Sacramento, at the small Vietnamese Catholic Martyrs church, a statue of the Virgin Mary appears to be crying, reports The Early Show national correspondent Hattie Kauffman.

"Just the fact that it's coming from the eyes, and it's a red color like blood, I would say that there's a miracle either way," said Dave Leatherby, who visited the statue. "Even if there's a natural explanation, it's a sign."

  XEM VIDEO: Tượng Đức Mẹ khóc ở Nhà Thờ Đức Bà Sài Gòn

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